Copy and Text by Andrew Winter
One of the wonderful things we get to do as photographers is to share images, memories and create discussion in social groups regarding our work. It can be a very social thing to do, taking photographs. There are those that...
Copy by Clive Watkins
We sometimes like to venture further afield on our photo walks, and towards the end of our summer season, the club decided to take a run up to Greenock to get some photography with a maritime influence. By sheer happy coincidence, perhaps...
Copy by Clive Watkins
On one of the few sunny evenings of the summer, several members of Irvine Camera Club headed on the short trip down to Dunure Castle. The sunshine breaking through the moody sky gave some excellent “Golden Hour” light to get great photos of the...
Copy by Clive Watkins
On a lovely sunny August evening, a large group of keen photographers from Irvine Camaera Club headed up to Glasgow to explore one of our favourite locations, The Pacific Quay.
The architecture there provides ample opportunity for...
Copy by Clive Watkins
A few weeks ago Irvine Camera Club had a photowalk around Paisley. Many thanks to Fiona Wallace for organising this one.
To Quote Fiona "Our Tuesday trundle took us on a circular route around Paisley's historic sites...
Copy by Clive Watkins
With this summer’s rather unpredictable weather, our photowalk to Saltcoats this year was spread over a number of evenings, culminating a large turnout on the 23rd July. On a nice evening Saltcoats has much to offer photographically....
Copy by Clive Watkins
Each year Irvine Camera Club go on a summer trip to destination further afield than we usually venture. This year we hired a 15 seater mini-bus and headed to the iconic Lancashire seaside resort town of Blackpool. An early morning...
Our Irvine Library Exhibition was installed today by Clive, Alan, Malcolm M and Roy
Copy and Text by Andrew Winter
There’s no getting around it, this summer has been wet. Undeterred, our season of summer photo walks continues but with the challenging weather there always needs to be a backup plan. The images presented this week are from...
Copy by Clive Watkins
On a recent Tuesday evening, members of Irvine Camera Club took a trip up to Dean Castle Country Park. We challenged our photographers to take photos from a different perspective of their surroundings by adjusting their positions to get high up...
Copy by Clive Watkins
This week’s photographs are brought to you from the beautiful Isle of May, just a few miles off the Fife coast. Several of our club members made the trip across to Anstruther on a glorious Saturday morning in June to take the ferry over to the...
Copy and Text by Andrew Winter
The images this week come from an evening visit to Largs by Irvine Camera Club. A beautiful evening walk along the coast from the marina up past the famous pencil to the town provided plenty of things to photograph. The...
We were back in Ayr today for the first session of a new START (South Ayrshire Treatment And Recovery) Photography programme.
We let the participants upload photos to a gallery which we then view on the projector and discuss before we headed out to take more.
Thank you to Tracy...
Copy and Text by Andrew Winter
This week’s images are all from Irvine Camera Club’s recent visit to Muirshiel Country Park, just outside of Lochwinnoch. This location was suggested and the walk led by one of our members and was the first time into this part of...
Copy and Text for issue w/s 24th June by Andrew Winter
It’s very easy when planning photo walks to look beyond where we live to places that we feel may be more exciting. But never forget to look just outside your back door. This week Irvine Camera...
Copy and Text by Andrew Winter
This set of images was taken on a recent photo walk up Loudon Hill in the Irvine Valley, near Darvel. Members of Irvine Camera Club, having been thwarted the week before by bad weather, undertook the climb in the name of photography...
Robertson Park
Copy and Text by Andrew Winter
With our season of summer photo walks well under way, members of Irvine Camera Club are out and about every week with their cameras.
This week we present some images taken by members who made...
Copy and Text by Andrew Winter
With our season of summer photo walks well under way, members of Irvine Camera Club are out and about every week with their cameras capturing a variety of subjects that caught their eye.
This week we present some images taken...
Copy and Text by Andrew Winter
With our season of summer photo walks well under way, members of Irvine Camera Club have been out and about over the last few weeks with their cameras capturing a variety of subjects that caught their eye.
Copy and Text by Andrew Winter
With Summer a bit hit or miss weather wise, we are definitely in ‘Summer Season’ here at Irvine Camera Club as we embark on our annual season of summer photo-walks. These photos are from our first trip out to Glasgow and as you can see...
Copy and Text by Andrew Winter
Last week, Irvine Rugby Club played in the Mens Bowl Final at the Hive Stadium, in the shadow of Murrayfield Stadium, Edinburgh. As a photography club, we have had the pleasure of working with the club and following them...
Copy and Text by Andrew Winter
At ICC we pride ourselves on our ability to help support local groups such as the Anam Cara Dementia respite Centre we featured recently. Another group we have been working closely with this year has been the Irvine Rugby Club,...
Well done to Donnie Briggs, Malcolm Yates and Adrian Jones for going to Murrayfield last weeked to cover Irvine Rugby Club in the final of the Men's Bowl.
Some of their photos are featured on the back pages of this week's Herald.
You can find a bigger selection of the guys' work...
Copy and Text by Andrew Winter
Recently, we were really proud to have been asked to supply photographs for Anam Cara, a specialist dementia respite centre in Kilbirnie which has just re-opened to guests. Following on from last week, this week we are looking at more of the images...
Copy and Text by Andrew Winter
One of the amazing things we get to do as a camera club is to get involved with the local community. Recently this had led to some incredible partnerships with local organisations and communities. Recently, we were really proud to have...
Copy and Text by Andrew Winter
This week we present a series of landscapes that members have taken. I always talk about how varied the interests are in our club with members actively engaged in wildlife, street, urban, studio, and animal photography. But...
Copy and Text by Andrew Winter
This week, I am showcasing more images from our recent knockout competition. It’s always a great competition that showcases the very best work of our members. Our members have a wide range of interests and it’s a strength of...
Copy and Text by Andrew Winter
This week, as we approach the end of our indoor season and look forward to getting out every week on our photo-walks, we finished the year with some truly spectacular images in our annual ‘Ian Davidson Memorial Knockout Competition’. ...
Irvine v Lochaber
Irvine 30 - Lochaber 7
Photos by Donnie Briggs, Adrian Jones and David Bell for Irvine Camera Club featured on the back page of this week's Irvine Herald. Well done chaps!
Copy and Text by Andrew Winter
This week I have been looking through the images that were entered in our annual panel competition and what strikes me is how diverse the photographic skills are within Irvine Camera Club. The diversity of interests within the club...
Dear members of Irvine Camera Club,
North Ayrshire Health and Social Care Partnership would like to say a heartfelt thank you to everyone who so kindly gave permission for their artwork to be shared in ...
As part of our 2024 Festival of Photography taking place this summer we’re calling ALL photographers (amateur and professional) for...
Copy and Text by Tracy Ross / Andrew Winter
Recently, we were joined by Dave Ferguson who had kindly agreed to adjudicate our annual panel competition.
This challenge is a break from the normal camera club competition, which tends to focus...
Copy by Andrew Winter
We are very proud of the fact that a third of our members are women and in this week of International Womens Day we are celebrating the incredible images that these members have created over the last year.
Coming from a variety of...
Copy by Tracy Ross
If you’ve never been to a camera club before, you might be under the impression that its membership is mainly made up of men who are aged 65 and above. Whilst a few of our members do fall into that...
Copy and Text by Andrew Winter
There is always something to photograph even on days where the weather isn’t great. I recently found images from a photo-walk in Auchencruive that club members went on last year and it got me thinking about the challenges of finding...
Copy and Text by Andrew Winter
It has been a busy few weeks at Irvine Camera Club with talks, competitions, judging and this week we had a practical photoshoot at the club with two models and a full light and backdrop set up.
Looking ahead we are...
Copy and Text by Andrew Winter
This week at Irvine CC we had the pleasure of welcoming Campbell Skinner to present his judging comments on our Colour Print Competition. It is always interesting to hear the views of others on our work and we are grateful to Campbell...
Copy and Text by Andrew Winter
This week at Irvine CC we had the pleasure of welcoming Campbell Skinner to present his judging comments on our Mono Print Competition. It is always interesting to hear the views of others on our work, but also to receive some advice...
Copy and Text by Andrew Winter
This week at Irvine CC we had the pleasure of welcoming Alistair Jackson, a photographer originally from Skye who gave us a talk on Island Hopping around the Scottish Islands. A really informative talk with lots of great images and...
Copy and Text by Andrew Winter
This week at Irvine CC we had the pleasure of visiting Cumnock Camera Club for another of our social meet ups and knock out competition. Thank you to Tom Nelson for arranging the competition and to Derrick Phillips and Andrew Flannigan...
Copy and Text by Andrew Winter
Here at Irvine CC, our weekly meetings have now resumed and we have had the pleasure of visiting other camera clubs in Ayrshire for the ever popular knock out competitions. Our first was a visit to Beith Camera Club where we were...
Copy and Text by Andrew Winter
Happy New Year! This year at Irvine Camera Club looks like being the busiest ever with a growing membership, a photography studio workspace for members to book, weekly meetings, talks and competitions and a busy social media presence with a...
Copy and Text by Andrew Winter
This time of year tends to be when we reflect on the past year and look forward to what the coming months will bring. As we hope for dry, sunny days where we can get out with the camera, it is also when I look back through images to...
Copy and Text by Andrew Winter
This year, as Christmas approaches, we take a lighter and more humorous approach to photography at Irvine Camera Club with our fun competition entitled ‘The Picture I Wish I’d Taken’.
Tasked with finding a photo we like...
Earlier in the year the RPS ran a series of Coastal Walks all across the UK. The participants from each walk chose one photo from their walk to be featured in an Ezine. I'm pleased to say that our very own David Bell had is photo picked from the Photo Walk run by Clive at...
I am pleased to announce that Tracy won November's Royal Photographic Society Scotland Photo of the Month competition with her creative photo "Genesis"
Well done Tracy!
Copy and Text by Andrew Winter
This week we present some of the Highly Commended images from our Open Digital Projected Image Competition. Colin McLatchie, from Eastwood Photographic Club, came along to our club night to judge our images and did a great job of...
Ladies and Gentlemen, Boys and Girls some food for thought over the Festive. The SPF print competition will open for entries early January. It is open to club and individual entries. All entries are through the club and if you wish to enter, we need the prints by...
Copy and Text by Andrew Winter
Photographic competitions, a staple of a photography clubs’ season, are a great way to present your images to other people and receive feedback on them. It always starts conversations and generates discussion as to the merits or...
Copy and Text by Andrew Winter
This week we present more of our colour images from our first colour print competition of the season. The images this week all demonstrate the importance of colour in images. Of course, some images look better in black...
Ladies and Gentlemen Boys and Girls just a wee reminder that the Picture I Wish I Had Taken entry is open on the webbysite. We know we said enter by e-mail, but your wonderful committee worked hard and managed to set up an online entry. If you have more than one, pop off an...
Copy and Text by Andrew Winter
This week we present some colour images from our first colour print competition of the season. Standards were high again with images demonstrating the wide range of interests of members in various styles. Once again Robert...
Masters of Print
Please note we are not entering a club entry after our recent attempt at SPF competitions (Report to follow) you can enter as an individual.
To do so go to the SPF Website.
Lasies and Gentlemen, Boys and Girls, as we are having a great discussion on prints, may I remind folk that the PAGB Masters of Print competition still has a weeek or so to enter. just pop along to the SPF webbysite and under the tag External Competitions all the info is in front of you in...
Copy and Text by Andrew Winter
This week we present some more black and white images that were presented in our recent Mono Print Competition. These images show a variety of subjects that have been photographed with weather playing a part in the final image. ...
Copy and Text by Andrew Winter
This week we welcomed Robert Spence to our club to present his awards and judging comments in our first mono print competition of the year. Robert has years of experience to draw upon and spent time with every image, making suggestions...
Copy and text by Andrew Winter
People are always an interesting subject to photograph and this selection of members images shows a vartiety of ways that they can be the subject in your images. Catching people off-guard, or from behind can tell stories, whilst asking...
Copy by Andrew Winter
Variety is the spice of life, so they say and this is certainly true at Irvine Camera Club. Over the last few meeting’s we have been treated to a wide range of imagery presented by members and so this week I thought I would highlight the...
Copy and text by Andrew Winter
The popular DPI – Digital Projected Image competition which is an open digital image competition on any subject in either colour or black and white always throws up a variety of incredible images taken by our members. Not only does it...
Copy by Andrew Winter
This week we had our first club competition of the year. It was the popular DPI – Digital Projected Image competition, an open digital image competition on any subject in either colour or black and white.
The visiting...
Copy Written By Andrew Winter on behalf of Irvine Camera Club.
This week we are taking a look back to a beautiful late summers evening at Portencross. With an incredible sunset to round off the evening there was a lot to photograph. ...
Copy written by Andrew Winter on behalf of Irvine Camera Club.
This week we are taking a look back over the summer with this selection of images from Irvine Camera Club members. One of the great things about being a member of a club is the weekly interactions you...