In the Herald - Isle of May

Date Published 
Wed 17 Jul 2024

Copy by Clive Watkins


This week’s photographs are brought to you from the beautiful Isle of May, just a few miles off the Fife coast.  Several of our club members made the trip across to Anstruther on a glorious Saturday morning in June to take the ferry over to the island.  Our captain, Scott, treated us to a smooth crossing and, before long, our keen photographers were making images of the multitudes of sea birds who come to the island to breed every summer.  Puffins are of course the star attraction, but there are so many other birds that it is almost impossible to decide what to shoot next.  Our few hours on the island went by in a flash and all too soon we were on our way back to the mainland, memory cards full and ready for a famous Anstruther fish supper!


If you would like to come along, learn about your camera, make some new friends, explore stunning landscapes, visit exhibitions and places of interest and see what we are up to, then please take a look at our website and get in touch.  Every week we are somewhere different over the summer months: