In the Herald - Glasgow Photo Walk

Date Published 
Wed 22 May 2024

Copy and Text by Andrew Winter


With Summer a bit hit or miss weather wise, we are definitely in ‘Summer Season’ here at Irvine Camera Club as we embark on our annual season of summer photo-walks.  These photos are from our first trip out to Glasgow and as you can see the various interests of our members delivered a variety of subjects and techniques.  


The weather was a little overcast and damp at times, but this just opened up creative possibilities and as the light dropped off, the colours and reflections became more vibrant creating some beautiful compositions.  Glasgow is always a fantastic location to go and photograph, with so much to try and capture.


If you would like to come along to one of our photo-walks, learn about your camera, make some new friends, explore stunning landscapes, visit exhibitions and places of interest and see what we are up to, then please take a look at our website and get in touch.  Every week we are somewhere different over the summer months: