In the Herald - Auchincruive

Date Published 
Wed 29 May 2024

Copy and Text by Andrew Winter


With our season of summer photo walks well under way, members of Irvine Camera Club have been out and about over the last few weeks with their cameras capturing a variety of  subjects that caught their eye.  


This week we present some images taken on the Auchincruive Estate.  It’s a great place to go with your camera as it offers everything from abandoned buildings, architecture, a river walk, gardens, bluebell woods and Oswalds Temple.  All this within a short walk of each other, it offered our members a lot to work with and is worth repeat visits at different times of the year.


We have lots of weekly trips planned this season and you would be very welcome to come along and join us, you do not have to be a member to do so, it’s a great social meetup with a common interest and if you don’t know how your camera works or you would like some tips there is always someone on hand to give some friendly advice.


If you would like to come along to one of our photo-walks, learn about your camera, make some new friends, explore stunning landscapes, visit exhibitions and places of interest and see what we are up to, then please take a look at our website and get in touch.  Every week we are somewhere different over the summer months: