The Festival runs from Friday 6pm to Sunday. Balloons could be flying at 6pm Friday and Saturday, and 6am Saturday and Sunday.
Its all very weather dependant - check forecasts ( It needs to be less than 10mph
A Friday pm check on the weather forecast shows it suitable for Balloons to make an ascent at around 6pm Saturday and the Evening Glow should happen at 9pm (if we go up together 4pm would be a good time to leave Townend) - a challenge to photograph as it'll be dark (bring Tripods). Wrap up well it can get cold.
Please make it known to other members if you plan to go along. Clive and Alan will be at Townend to leave at 4pm Saturday if folk want to car share or follow. NB it will be late getting back (11pm?)
Check for all the information. NB this is a NO DRONE event