SC8 Photo Walk - Dunure

Wed 1 Jun 2022 7:30pm

Please go direct, car share wherever possible by prior arrangement with fellow members and advise your intentions as a comment here or on Facebook group (Monkton BP may be a good point to meet to go down). Meet by the Harbour from 7 for a start at 7:30. Visitors welcome.

Photography Challenge (SC8)

Your challenge this evening is to shoot the following 3 themes:

  • Flotsom & Jetsom
  • Castle Scene
  • Rocky Shore

We may work in groups of 2 or 3 and take several photographs during the evening.

Over the following week you will process and edit your images and select what you think are the best three photographs – one for each of the themes above.

Upload your chosen three to "Enter Competitions" - on the club website by midnight on Tuesday 7th June.

Harbour View


Quite a few have declared they'll be coming on Facebook. I'll be sharing with Clive and will pick up Jane at Monkton BP to leave at 7. Any one else looking for a lift please get in touch