Due to a poor forecast, could all please meet at Townend first, to decide whether to use the clubroom instead. DUNURE DATES TO BE UPDATED WHEN RE-ARRANGED FOR LATER IN SUMMER - ak
Photography Challenge (SC?)
Townend at 7 to car share please. If going direct, meet up by the Harbour 07:45pm at Dunure. We will pair up beginners with more experienced photographers before the challenge commences.
Your challenge this evening is to shoot the following 3 themes
Landscape including Ailsa Craig
Harbour Scene
Long Exposure
We'll endeavour to work in groups of 2 or 3 and take several photographs during the evening.
Over the following week you will process and edit your images and select what you think are the best three photographs – one for each of the themes above.
Upload your chosen three to "Enter Competitions" - Summer Challenge - on the club website by midnight on Tuesday - tba. Do try and give them a title, and - include the theme in the title...eg. "The Sea - long exp"
Due to a poor forecast, could all please meet at Townend first, to decide whether to use the clubroom instead.
It was decided to use the clubroom to review recent outings. Maybe find a day for this again in the coming months when its better weather.