Wed 16 May 2018 7:00pm
Meet at Townend to car share to Fairlie. Turn right into Station Rd and park up at Fairlie Station at about 7:30 - walk north up the path towards the Glen. Take the track in front of the cottage into the Glen. Lots of falls, most of which are past the Castle.
Stout shoes necessary, tripods very useful. Wellies or waders may help access more waterfalls.
If time permits, the falls on the Fairlie Moor road could also be visited, and to finish off we may even catch a sunset at Portencross
Fairlie Glen
Fairlie, Largs
KA29 0DX
Going looks good
Sounds like a good evening, how about the midgies ?
Well there's a challenge Douglas - but, you can get foties of the wee beasties anywhere?
I recommend sticking to getting waterfall shots!
I'm not interested in photos of the midgies to be honest