A friendly knockout competition and visit to Beith Camera Club.
Beith Camera Club
Beith Community Centre
Kings Road
KA15 2BQ
Where can I find more details please? Sorry, but I have been a bit preoccupied of late , so I am starting to catch up a bit more on the competition side. Thank you.
Hi Adrian - both the Beith and Cumnock knock out comps are available to upload to on the "Competitions" tab. You are allowed to enter one image to each. Depending on how many members enter you are not gaurentteed to have your images selected for the KO.
Thanks Clive.
NB - KO1 BEITH - Entries close tonight Monday 8th January
Unfortunately I am unable to attend but good luck to ICC.
Where can I find more details please? Sorry, but I have been a bit preoccupied of late , so I am starting to catch up a bit more on the competition side. Thank you.
Hi Adrian - both the Beith and Cumnock knock out comps are available to upload to on the "Competitions" tab. You are allowed to enter one image to each. Depending on how many members enter you are not gaurentteed to have your images selected for the KO.
Thanks Clive.
NB - KO1 BEITH - Entries close tonight Monday 8th January
Unfortunately I am unable to attend but good luck to ICC.