Tue 24 Oct 2023 11:59pm
C2/3 - Print Competition hand in closes tonight.
We realise that there are several new members who would like to enter the C2 (Mono Print) and C3 (Colour Print) competitons next Tuesday but who are struggling to get their prints mounted.
- To ensure that no one misses out Tracy, Clive, David and Bob will be set up at the back of the room on Tuesday night to mount your prints for you.
- All we need you to do is to bring your competition prints with you on Tuesday and together we will get them mounted on the night.
Separate from the main competiton we also have a "Small Prints Evening" on the 24th October
it's time to get printing, or rifling through your shoeboxes of old photos....
With so much of our photography these days revolving around digital photography viewed on screens, we thought we would go old school and ask you to bring in up to 3 small (up to 5" x 7") photographs for everyone to look at.
- You can either print them yourself or have them done in a shop or online at very low cost. Don't leave it too late!
- Bring your prints in with you on the night (24th October)
- Each print will be numbered and everyone will view and chat about the photos before we annonymously vote for our favourites.
- After the votes have been counted, the photographers who took the most popular prints will tell us a bit about their work and we will get constructive feedback from the audience.
- There will be a prize for the print with the most votes!
Irvine Community Sports Centre
KA12 8PE
NB C2-C3 hand-in
2 mono 2 colour
Hi Alan, that's 4 and it says bring along upto three? Confused, how many mono and colour?
Hi, do these have to be mounted or as they come?
3 small unmounted prints Elaine - just a bit of fun on the night.
But please also bring in your mounted larger prints for the C2/C3 competition.
Thanks Clive, I'm struggling at the moment as no internet at home!
The Timpson kiosk in the Rivergate Mall can do good small prints straight from your phone
Whoever put the effort into making the phone calls and the arrangements for this to happen, thank you very much. Somebody has been dialling the numbers today.