2020 SC7 - On-line Workshop on Zoom - Challenge

Wed 3 Jun 2020 7:30pm
2020 SC7 - On-line Workshop on Zoom - Challenge - 3rd June 2020
Join Zoom Meeting - https://zoom.us/j/3931373541 - Meeting ID: 393 137 3
This week your challenge is to take TWO NEW photographs.
  1. Abstract (see definition below)
  2. Nature (birds, animals, insects, plants, trees etc -  see PAGB definition on Club Page - https://irvinecc.co.uk/club/nature-current-pagb-nature-definition)

Definition of abstract in relation to art

1ab·stract adjective \ab-?strakt, ?ab-?\
  • expressing ideas and emotions by using elements such as colors and lines without attempting to create a realistic picture
  • A trend in painting and sculpture in the twentieth century. Abstract art seeks to break away from traditional representation of physical objects. It explores the relationships of forms and colors, whereas more traditional art represents the world in recognizable images.
Basically what that means, if you’ve never done any abstract photography, is shoot your subject in a way that it is either somewhat or totally unrecognisable.
Concentrate on shapes, colours, and form and less on the thing in the photo. Shooting for abstract is a great exercise to help you train your eye to see “photographically” and get more creative.
So if you tend towards technically perfect images, it’s time to get outside your comfort zone and do something different. Make ones that are out of focus blobs of bokeh, under or overexposed, shadows, reflections, zoomed images, focused on patterns, macro photography or close-ups, and other crazy ideas.

Work alone and take several photographs during the week before - indoors, in your garden, close to home when out taking excercise, ...or maybe for some whilst on an essential trip for work, food or medication shopping.

Over the week, get your shots, then process and edit your images and select what you think are the best  photographs - ideally, one of each – no duplicates!

Upload your chosen pair to 2020 SC7 on the club website by midnight on Tuesday 2nd - https://irvinecc.co.uk/competitions-members

Any issues please get in touch immediately(by email to irvinecc.secretary@gmail.com)

We will review and discuss the images "at the club" on Wednesday 3rd - on Zoom (see above). A select number of images may be used for a feature in the Irvine Herald.