In the Herald - Beautiful Black and White

Date Published 
Fri 21 Mar 2025

Copy and Text by Andrew Winter


Black and White photography is popular within Irvine Camera Club and this week I wanted to share some beautiful images from some of our members that were entered into our weekly online competition.  


Every week we set a challenge for our members to produce images based on a theme.  It’s a friendly competition and a good way to see how your images are viewed by others, gaining some useful constructive comments along the way.  As always, the varied interests and different styles of photography always generates a lot of interest from others who are looking to expand their knowledge and try new things.


Irvine Camera Club is a community based photographic club.  There is something for everyone, so if you are interested in photography and would like to come along, you would be made to feel very welcome.


We meet on Tuesdays starting at 7.30 at Irvine Community Sports Club, Waterside, Marress Roundabout, Irvine KA12 8DL


Our website for information and to get in touch.