The Club Constitution (amended AGM March 2024)

The Club shall be known as:

IRVINE Camera Club


The prime objective of the club shall be to provide facilities for the study and practice of the art of photography, in all its forms. To organise lectures and demonstrations, in order to entertain and educate the members and their guests. To hold and participate in competitions and exhibitions in order to display members work.


Membership shall be available to any individual, whether amateur, semi-professional or professional, interested in the club objectives as outlined above. With the proviso that the elected committee has the authority to limit, refuse or terminate membership according to circumstances. The committee may also recommend that “Honorary” membership be conferred on any individual who has rendered exceptional services to the club. Such recommendations shall be submitted to and voted upon at the AGM or an SGM.


The amount of the annual subscription shall be determined at the AGM. The clubs financial year shall start on April 1st

Subscriptions shall be due from the first meeting of the winter season (1st week in September). New members joining from the 1st of Janurary, will be required to pay a “half year” fee (determined at the AGM).

At the Treasurers discretion members may pay by instalments prior to the end of October, as long as full payment is completed by then.


The Committee will be elected at the AGM for a term of one-year and shall include up to 8 subscribed members. The Committee roles will comprise of:

  • Chair
  • Vice-Chair
  • Secretary
  • Treasurer
  • Ordinary members (up to 4)

All matters appertaining to the Club shall be the responsibility of the 4 elected Office Bearers and Ordinary members.         

In addition, the post of President may be appointed as an advisor by the Committee.

Casting Vote in the event of a tie

At all the properly constituted meetings of the club, or its committee, should the voting on any resolution be a tie, then the Chair shall have the option to exercise a casting vote.

Annual General Meeting

The AGM shall be held at the end of the financial year (at least 28 day notice shall be given to members). At this meeting a report of the proceedings of the past year, prepared by the secretary, together with a financial report, from the treasurer (up until the end of March), shall be submitted. At this and any SGM of the club, a quorum shall include five ordinary members with voting rights in addition to the office bearers. In the absence of the Chair, those members attending the meeting shall appoint a temporary chairperson from the other office bearers present.

Special General Meeting

An SGM of the club may be held at any time by the committee. An SGM must be also called by the secretary within four weeks of receiving a written request (signed by a minimum of 25% of members with voting rights), outlining the nature of the business for which the meeting is called. Members must be notified at least one week in advance of such a meeting, including the nature of the business of that meeting.

Accounts and Auditing

Every financial act of the club shall be recorded in a 'proper' set of books. At least one bank or building society account shall be operated by two of three signatories of the club, namely the Chair, Secretaryand Treasurer.

With the committee's approval and subject to the aforementioned method of operating, the Treasurer has the authority to select those banking arrangements most appropriate to the benefit of the club (which includes electronic banking). An annual statement shall be prepared by the Treasurer. Two members of the club shall be elected at the AGM to act as checkers. They shall check the books and sign them if correct. The committee retain the right to elect another checker from the members should a vacancy arise. A stock take shall be carried out prior to the AGM each year and be presented with the accounts each year.

Committee's Authority

 A quorum for a committee meeting shall comprise a minimum of three appointed committee members, two of which must be office bearers.

The committee shall have the authority to:

(a) arrange the entire proceedings of the club’s activities;

(b) carry out the general management of the club;

(c) co-opt until the next AGM any member onto the committee, if required;

(d) suspend or expel any member whose conduct they consider as inappropriate or damaging to the reputation of the club;

(e) elect ordinary members to a sub-committee necessary for carrying out the business of the club;

(f) draw up the rules of conduct for members wishing to use the clubroom, computer suite and studio, and class arrangements as they deem necessary (providing such rules are not inconsistent with the objectives of the club and this constitution).

Alterations to the Constitution

The constitution of the club may only be altered or amended by a resolution duly passed at an AGM or SGM. Notice of the proposed changes, in writing, should be submitted to the secretary at least twenty eight days prior to the meeting at which the changes are to be proposed.

The Secretary shall make the committee aware of the proposal at the earliest opportunity. Written notice, where practicable shall be given to all members who have voting rights, not later than one week prior to the meeting at which the voting is to take place.

Voluntary Winding Up

If, for whatever reason, the club ceases to exist, all funds remaining after payments to creditors are to be donated to the club’s nominated charity. 

All photographic equipment is to be disposed of by online auction with all funds donated to the club’s currently nominated charity.

Trophies shall remain in the possession of the members who hold them at the time of winding up. 

The only exceptions are those items of equipment which can be proven, by written document, as belonging to a member. All such claims are to be submitted at the winding up meeting or within sixty days of that meeting.


Amendments made AGM2024: Winding Up clause updated -  Clive Watkins - secretary 17/04/2024