Progression - U

2023-24 C4 - PDI Open - Round 2 - Judge Colin McLatchie


Interesting idea John.  Were the reflections of your leather suite etc intentional?  I think the darkening around the edges is also a bit heavy handed.  For me photos like this only really work if the set up is clean and simple and reflections are avoided altogether where possible.

I've not seen images like this before, I'd love to see some examples. I found that I had to handle the globes carefully to avoid fingerprints and with all reflecting things keeping myself and the camera out of the picture was a challenge. People have remarked that it gave them a look into my living room but I've not had any negative feedback. I've tried various coloured cards with varied success, any ideas?

Hi John,  I find the best technique to use with highly reflective subects is Dark Field Photography.

I have used this method very successfully with glassware of all sorts, and it was particularly effective when combined with high speed water drop photography

This didn't require any post processing other than just some basic levels adjustment, so no need to go into photoshop to try to black out the background with a brush.

Give it a go because I think your lens balls / globes would make a great subject for the technique.